Weekly Update 08/30/2022

Good afternoon,

As I mentioned this weekend, when we gathered Sunday it was as if Phil described to us a trip we'd all been on together. And as he pointed out this landmark, or reminded us of that turn, the Spirit fed us. I appreciated in particular the way Phil highlighted Luke's theology that underpinned the book. If you missed that sermon, you can watch it here: (“Getting Our Heads Around the Book of Acts—A Conclusion to the Series” Acts 13:44-52)
We passed out a sermon schedule for the book of Ecclesiastes this weekend as well. If you didn't get one, it's attached. On that schedule, you'll see that we titled the series Under the Sun: Living with Hope in the Mist of Vanity. Maybe when you read that, you wondered, "Did Matt ask Debbie to print off a couple hundred schedules IN COLOR with the word 'midst' misspelled?" How futile! : ) While that's certainly possible, it's not the case this time. Vanity is something that we can't grab. It's elusive. It's also something that doesn't last. The idea, in fact, is not unlike what James says about our life: it's a mist. This is the nature of our existence "under the sun," whether we're talking about work, about relationships, about possessions, and even about knowledge. So, how do we live with hope, joy, or peace in the "mist" of vanity? That's what I pray we are pointed to through this thought–provoking book, inspired by God and neglected by many.

Deep thanks to Eric Singleton for putting together the graphic!

Chris updated me this morning on the long list of things our team was able to accomplish last week in Nashville. And since he can say many things better than me, I asked him to tell you about it:

Thank you for sending us on with prayer and resources to Edgefield Church in Nashville this past week! Though a few Advil were necessary for some of us, the Lord enabled us to finish all the projects the church asked of us. I would only echo a few of the staff members at Edgefield, who were "flabbergasted" at how these men were remarkably skilled and efficient in fulfilling the specific tasks asked of them! And more than this, along with their tool belts they put on the joy of our Savior as they worked. The projects were rewarding and the fellowship was significant. Thank you men for laying aside your time and spending yourself for the good of a sister congregation and for the glory of our King. Thank you South Woods for holding us up in prayer while away, which the Lord graciously answered in multiple ways.



Tomorrow night: Chick–Fil–A at 5:30, followed by teaching and more fellowship at 6:30. We'll look forward to seeing many of you then!


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