Around the World

South Woods’ Purpose Statement: We purpose to make disciples who joyfully serve Christ together in ministry and missions.

International Missions is part of our heartbeat at South Woods! We believe that missions means involvement in the work of Christ’s Kingdom throughout the world by means of giving, praying, and going. Since 1989, members of our congregation have been involved in short-term mission projects in Brazil, Jamaica, Turks & Caicos, Albania, Russia, Canada, Ukraine, France, Ecuador, Mexico, Sierra Leone and various countries within Central Asia. Former members serve as missionaries all over the globe. We are seeking to develop into a world Christian congregation, so that we live with a consciousness of what God is doing beyond our nation’s borders.

Below is a list of workers South Woods supports that can be named in such a public place:

Josh & Jenny Manley

In God’s kind providence, Josh Manley received an invitation from the ruling sheik in Ras Al-Kaihmah, UAE to establish an evangelical church. The sheik’s invitation included donation of property for a church site. Josh planted the church and witnessed the incredible ways the Lord provided for a building. The multi-cultural congregation continues to grow, develop leaders, and train pastors to serve in other nations in the region. We’re thankful to be involved in supporting this work. Josh is from our area and interned at Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington, DC.

Jason Fisher

Jason and Eryn Fisher lived and served as missionaries in Romania a number of years ago, as Jason began to learn the process of Business as Mission (BAM). Since that time, he has been involved in starting nearly twenty businesses in other nations, some among multiple unreached people groups, to serve as a base for gospel work. His businesses run the gamut from technology to agriculture, employing locals, providing for missionaries, and helping to equip Christian leaders.  We’re thankful for Jason’s unique gifts to see business opportunities that can become instruments to serve Christ among the nations.

Central Asia Affinity Group International Mission Board

Daniel & Kristen Lowry

Since our first short-term trip to Central Asia around 2006, many of our members have traveled to visit and serve alongside those who are doing gospel work in that region of the world. We appreciate the Word-centered approach that the Central Asian Affinity team has in their efforts to make disciples and plant local churches. We join with other SBC churches in the annual Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions each December to help support their labors.
Kristen became a member of South Woods shortly after graduating from Union University. She began serving with the International Mission Board as a photojournalist. Soon, in visits to Nairobi, she fell in love with serving the multitude of street boys in that city. Meanwhile, Daniel pastored a church outside Louisville while completing seminary. The Lord brought Daniel and Kristen together. She enjoyed a period as a pastor’s wife before they moved back to Kenya where Daniel does theological education and pastoral training, and Kristen continues work with street kids. Our visits with them have been outrageously joyous in seeing the work.

Kevin & Edineia Millard

9Marks Ministries

Kevin Millard served as South Woods’ first pastoral intern in the late 1980s. Kevin and Pastor Phil did their first international mission trip to Brazil in 1989. A year later in another trip to Brazil, Pastor Phil introduced Kevin to Edineia. A few years later, while Kevin served in children’s work in Albania, they were married. Kevin, Edineia, and their young children Deborah and Stephen had to be evacuated by the U.S. Marines from Albania during a coup. After some time in France and then back with us at South Woods, they sensed God’s call to Brazil. They planted a church in Niteroi that now has national leadership. Kevin has worked for many years with Fiel Ministries heading up their Adopt-a-Pastor ministry. He also helped to plant a church in São José dos Campos, as well as worked with needy children. Recently, he has partnered with Anchored in Truth Ministries to lead their church planting work in the Portuguese-speaking world. We’re thankful to be involved with the Millards as their home church.
South Woods has been involved with 9Marks Ministries since its start. This extension of Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington, DC, produces resources, hosts conferences, and provides pastoral training for national and international Christian leaders. Pastor Phil’s Elders in the Life of the Church is part of the 9Marks Book Series. The burden to see gospel clarity and faithful churches so well emphasized by 9Marks is at the heart of what our church stands for too. We’re glad to partner with 9Marks in national and global mission work.


New England Training and Sending, located in Williston, VT, trains pastors to plant churches in New England and other challenging settings. One of our former pastoral interns, Mitch Kimbrell, became part of NETS a few years ago with the aim to plant a church in New England. In God’s providence, Christ Memorial Church in Williston, the home of NETS, asked Mitch to succeed their senior pastor when he retires. We’ve had visits to NETS and love the work they’re doing, so much so that they’re part of our regular missions support.