We purpose to make disciples . . .
We purpose to make disciples, not decisions, not merely religious practitioners, not nice, respectable moral people—but disciples of Jesus Christ.
This purpose shapes the applications of our sermons, the content of our music, the focus with our students, the catechizing of our children, the impetus in our mission work, the dynamic in our relationships, the interaction in our small groups, and the outreach into our community.
. . . who joyfully serve Christ together . . .
The gospel unites. We believe that God saved a people, not merely a scattered group of isolated individuals. In the local church, He's gathered us together. As His gathered people, we serve Christ together. And we do so joyfully.
. . . in ministry and missions.
God's called us to minister in Memphis, serving both those within our congregation and those surrounding us. And He's called us to make disciples of all nations. South Woods purposes to do this task together.