Weekly Update 09/29/2020
I missed not having everyone together this weekend as we did the last. But it was wonderful to have good participation in the three services this past weekend, as we got started in the expositional study of the book of Acts, what we’re calling, The Gospel of Acts: Christ’s Church Unleashed. We were able to dig deeply into the text and consider the way Luke established some priority truths that will work through the book, namely, Jesus conquered death, Jesus established the kingdom, and Jesus sent the Holy Spirit. Keep your eye on these three emphases as you read through Acts and as we study it on Sundays.
Tomorrow night our ladies are invited to join together at 6:30 p.m. for the continuing study in Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund. I’ll be leading the discussion for this one. The guys and students will be attending the next Wednesday (Oct. 9th). We’re considering chapters 4 & 5 this week. Look forward to seeing you!
We plan to do another “Tent Sunday” on October 11th! We hope to have the next larger tent for this one which will allow even better seating. That’s the day we will also have opportunity to vote on the two proposals from the Elders that were presented on September 13th: (1) Approving the updated changes to the Church Manual; (2) Approving the change from a senior pastor model to Co-Pastors model, with Pastors Phil and Matt serving as Co-Pastors, per the details noted in the proposed updated Church Manual. If you have any questions on either area, please send them to Matt or me. We’re happy to respond. The rest of the elders are available, too, to answer your questions. We hope the video and email that we’ve sent discussing the proposed changes have answered most of the questions. But if there are more, we’re glad to respond to you.
To understand the book of Acts, one must grasp the importance of Acts 1:6–8. Pastor Matt will be preaching on this critically important text that springboards us into the rest of the book. Pray for him as he prepares. Take some time to review the sermon from Sunday (attached below), as it lays groundwork that will be helpful throughout this study.
I’m grateful for you and your faithfulness in participating in the body of Christ!
Phil N.
I missed not having everyone together this weekend as we did the last. But it was wonderful to have good participation in the three services this past weekend, as we got started in the expositional study of the book of Acts, what we’re calling, The Gospel of Acts: Christ’s Church Unleashed. We were able to dig deeply into the text and consider the way Luke established some priority truths that will work through the book, namely, Jesus conquered death, Jesus established the kingdom, and Jesus sent the Holy Spirit. Keep your eye on these three emphases as you read through Acts and as we study it on Sundays.
Tomorrow night our ladies are invited to join together at 6:30 p.m. for the continuing study in Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund. I’ll be leading the discussion for this one. The guys and students will be attending the next Wednesday (Oct. 9th). We’re considering chapters 4 & 5 this week. Look forward to seeing you!
We plan to do another “Tent Sunday” on October 11th! We hope to have the next larger tent for this one which will allow even better seating. That’s the day we will also have opportunity to vote on the two proposals from the Elders that were presented on September 13th: (1) Approving the updated changes to the Church Manual; (2) Approving the change from a senior pastor model to Co-Pastors model, with Pastors Phil and Matt serving as Co-Pastors, per the details noted in the proposed updated Church Manual. If you have any questions on either area, please send them to Matt or me. We’re happy to respond. The rest of the elders are available, too, to answer your questions. We hope the video and email that we’ve sent discussing the proposed changes have answered most of the questions. But if there are more, we’re glad to respond to you.
To understand the book of Acts, one must grasp the importance of Acts 1:6–8. Pastor Matt will be preaching on this critically important text that springboards us into the rest of the book. Pray for him as he prepares. Take some time to review the sermon from Sunday (attached below), as it lays groundwork that will be helpful throughout this study.
I’m grateful for you and your faithfulness in participating in the body of Christ!
Phil N.
Posted in Weekly Updates