Weekly Update 09/08/2020
What a helpful and worshipful time we had on Sunday, as we sang, prayed, read, and listened to God’s Word together! Matt’s overview of Luke’s Gospel brought to my senses the amazing way that Gospel reveals Jesus Christ to us. We feasted on Jesus Christ as we listened, remembered, and worshiped. That message laid groundwork for our new expositional study through the Book of Acts, starting on September 20th.
This Sunday, September 13th, will be quite a special gathering of the South Woods’ body. First, we’ll participate in the Lord’s Supper in all three of our weekend services. Instead of passing the bread and cup, we will ask you to pick up your own communion elements as you enter the service. There will be two tables on either side of the auditorium, with packaged communion elements for you to take until the time that we partake together. As a help to disposing of the packets, there will be trash cans in the middle of the roped off rows so that you can easily dispose of the packet after the Supper.
Second, after the Lord’s Supper, Matt, Dan Meadows, and I will be doing a dialogue presentation on behalf of the Elders. We’ll consider some major changes in the Church Manual and structural changes in our pastoral staff. We’re excited about this time and believe it will serve our body well.
On September 20th, we will only have ONE SERVICE at 10:00 a.m., as we gather under a huge tent to worship together. We ask you to bring a camp chair for your seating. We’ll have designated areas marked out for your seats. We will have chairs available, too, in case you forget. We’ll still practice social distancing with this arrangement. We so look forward to having everyone together! I’ll do an overview of the book of Acts. Be sure to dress comfortably. We hope the weather will be a bit cooler than the past couple of weeks, too!
TOMORROW NIGHT, we will have the continuing study of Gentle and Lowly for all the GUYS. It starts at 6:30, so guys, read the introduction and first chapter, then come on and enjoy this time of discussion. I wish you could have witnessed the ladies gathering last Wednesday! They had a blast together! We look forward to the same happening for the men as we get together tomorrow. Also, our teenagers will be meeting with Matt in the fellowship hall at the same time to begin their study of Gentle and Lowly.
Let me encourage you to read through or watch Matt’s review of Luke’s Gospel from last Sunday.
I look forward to worshiping with you Sunday, especially as we celebrate the Lord’s Supper together!
Phil N.
Posted in Weekly Updates