Weekly Update 08/11/2020
We want to encourage and pray for all our kids who start back to school this week (whether in class, via online, or in home). We hope this rather disruptive time will put some good focus in their lives to learn, grow, mature, gain insights, and seek to steward the minds and gifts the Lord has entrusted to them. We’re grateful for the many children at South Woods and the wonderful part they play in our church life. We’re praying for our administrators and teachers too, who have such great responsibilities and opportunities as this new school year begins.
Gentle & Lowly, Dane Ortlund’s extraordinary book on the life and character of Jesus Christ, should be in the hands of most of our church families. If you’ve not received a copy please let us know! Our plan is to not only encourage you to read this book but to join on Wednesdays starting in September to study through it. Here’s the plan. Since we’re still under social distancing parameters, we’re asking the women to meet first on September 2nd at 6:30. The men will gather on September 9th. Then we’ll continue this pattern (women, Sept 16th, 30th, etc.; men, Sept 23rd, Oct 7th, etc.). We’ll not only get to work through this amazingly good book on Christ but we also get to see more of one another! Win-Win!
Starting in September, we’ll be introducing a new expositional series in the book of Acts. Matt will get us started with a review of Luke’s first volume, the Gospel of Luke, so that we see the continuity between Luke and Acts. Then I’ll do an overview of Acts on Sept. 20th.
As you heard on Sunday, Mike & Amy Beaulieu and their kids made it to Tbilisi, Georgia on Saturday. Let’s keep them in our prayers as they have so many things to do to get set up on home, work, and ministry. Let’s pray for their parents too (Steve & Kendra Beaulieu; David & Jane Moore)! They need a good measure of God’s grace in this time, so let’s keep them before the throne of grace.
This month’s 2-Per focuses on Practical Shepherding, a ministry begun by Pastor Brian Croft who served for 17 years as senior pastor of Auburndale Baptist Church in Louisville. Brian has just gone full-time with the Practical Shepherding ministry, enabling him to devote more time to teaching, training, writing, and leading conferences that train Christian leaders. Brian and I co-authored a book several years ago on conducting gospel-centered funerals. He and his staff do a superb job in their ministry. Thanks for your 2-Per gifts this month for Practical Shepherding and for your regular contributions to the ministry of our church.
Pastor Matt’s study in Psalm 77 this past weekend helped us focus on the necessity of remembering as a means of traversing the lament arch. We remember the Lord, His faithful ways, His works in past seasons, and cast ourselves upon Him as we do. I’ll be following with Psalm 80 this weekend that links with the shepherd theme in the last verse of Psalm 77. I look forward to opening this psalm in just a few days as we gather to worship. Sign up here for the weekend services.
Phil N.
We want to encourage and pray for all our kids who start back to school this week (whether in class, via online, or in home). We hope this rather disruptive time will put some good focus in their lives to learn, grow, mature, gain insights, and seek to steward the minds and gifts the Lord has entrusted to them. We’re grateful for the many children at South Woods and the wonderful part they play in our church life. We’re praying for our administrators and teachers too, who have such great responsibilities and opportunities as this new school year begins.
Gentle & Lowly, Dane Ortlund’s extraordinary book on the life and character of Jesus Christ, should be in the hands of most of our church families. If you’ve not received a copy please let us know! Our plan is to not only encourage you to read this book but to join on Wednesdays starting in September to study through it. Here’s the plan. Since we’re still under social distancing parameters, we’re asking the women to meet first on September 2nd at 6:30. The men will gather on September 9th. Then we’ll continue this pattern (women, Sept 16th, 30th, etc.; men, Sept 23rd, Oct 7th, etc.). We’ll not only get to work through this amazingly good book on Christ but we also get to see more of one another! Win-Win!
Starting in September, we’ll be introducing a new expositional series in the book of Acts. Matt will get us started with a review of Luke’s first volume, the Gospel of Luke, so that we see the continuity between Luke and Acts. Then I’ll do an overview of Acts on Sept. 20th.
As you heard on Sunday, Mike & Amy Beaulieu and their kids made it to Tbilisi, Georgia on Saturday. Let’s keep them in our prayers as they have so many things to do to get set up on home, work, and ministry. Let’s pray for their parents too (Steve & Kendra Beaulieu; David & Jane Moore)! They need a good measure of God’s grace in this time, so let’s keep them before the throne of grace.
This month’s 2-Per focuses on Practical Shepherding, a ministry begun by Pastor Brian Croft who served for 17 years as senior pastor of Auburndale Baptist Church in Louisville. Brian has just gone full-time with the Practical Shepherding ministry, enabling him to devote more time to teaching, training, writing, and leading conferences that train Christian leaders. Brian and I co-authored a book several years ago on conducting gospel-centered funerals. He and his staff do a superb job in their ministry. Thanks for your 2-Per gifts this month for Practical Shepherding and for your regular contributions to the ministry of our church.
Pastor Matt’s study in Psalm 77 this past weekend helped us focus on the necessity of remembering as a means of traversing the lament arch. We remember the Lord, His faithful ways, His works in past seasons, and cast ourselves upon Him as we do. I’ll be following with Psalm 80 this weekend that links with the shepherd theme in the last verse of Psalm 77. I look forward to opening this psalm in just a few days as we gather to worship. Sign up here for the weekend services.
Phil N.
Posted in Weekly Updates