Weekly Update 07/28/2020
We’re continuing to enjoy gathering with the body, even though it means doing so on three occasions through the weekend due to the current restrictions. The big advantage of those of us on staff is that we get to see most everyone! That has been wonderful to keep in face-to-face touch (wow, what helpful use of metaphors! I really used normal language but imply social distancing, of course). Please sign-up for this week's Worship Service here.
We were really excited to make available to each family attending on Sunday, a copy of Dane Ortlund’s Gentle and Lowly. He probes the person of Christ in magnificent ways, helped along by a number of Puritan writers, as well as his own meditations on the Gospels. The elders propose that we do a study of this book on Wednesday nights. Right now, Lord willing, the plan will be to alternate ladies and men meeting in the auditorium with the already, in-place, social distancing. We will alternate ladies one week, men the next, since we’re not able to have the kids meeting in smaller rooms. The 7th–12th graders are invited to join these studies. We plan to get started on September 2nd at 6:30 p.m., with ladies being first. We will have a schedule out prior to the study, but you can count on us doing at least a couple of chapters each week. Read, meditate on Christ, and plan to be part of this study in September.
Let me remind you to check out the new look at the http://southwoodsbc.org website. Eric Singleton has added new features and easier maneuverability for the site. So, enjoy! Remember that the South Woods’ app is available for your mobile devices, too.
I’m grateful for your faithfulness in giving during these days without our normal passing of the offering plate. The offering boxes at the door are available each gathering, plus, as so many of you are doing, you can give your offering through the online giving tool: https://app.easytithe.com/App/Giving/Sout3175401 You can do the 2-Per mission gifts, benevolence, building project, and other designations, too. Thank you for your support of our church’s ministry!
We’re thankful to be part of the Practical Shepherding Ministry that trains, encourages, and provides resources for pastors across the globe. Brian Croft, who co-authored a book on gospel-centered funerals with Pastor Phil, started this ministry and continues to lead it. Pray for Brian and his team as they provide much-needed help for those in pastoral ministry.
Psalm 60 takes on a corporate lament, making it particularly applicable to our present day dilemma. I hope that the reflections from this psalm will serve you and encourage you. The video link is available here and the manuscript is available below.
Phil N.
Posted in Weekly Updates