Maybe you remember the unreached people group we prayed for Sunday morning: the Assyrians in Turkey. As I was thinking about that people group this past weekend, I recalled fondly one of the highlights of my life, that is, getting to visit with dear friends the part of that country where many of those Assyrians live. Then, like you, Monday morning I awoke to devastating images of destruction. As the days go by, the number of casualties tragically continues to rise. As many of you know, we've had former members live in that part of the world. We continue to stay in contact with workers there. Thankfully, I did receive emails from leaders in that region saying that none of our personnel were killed. We're grateful. Yet, I also received notes saying that dear friends of our workers had lost family members and houses and were now figuring out places to stay in the midst of a brutally cold season. If you would, join me in interceding for those in southeast Turkey and in northern Syria profoundly affected by this series of earthquakes. I found this piece to be helpful in praying yesterday: By the way, Send Relief––our 2per focus this month––is mobilizing their international team to serve the region in the days ahead.
This coming Sunday we'll observe the Lord's Supper together and continue through the book of James, considering what James calls pure and undefiled religion (James 1:26–2:13). Some of my fellow elders encouraged me to do James a few months back. Over the past few weeks, I've been increasingly thankful they did. The Scriptures are, indeed, the law of liberty. If you missed Sunday's sermon on "The Mirror of the Word," you can read or watch it here: (James 1:18-25) As we consider membership issues on Lord's Supper Sunday, upon completion of the membership class and interview by our elders, this weekend we will vote on Mary Margaret Kirkpatrick for membership. She gave sound testimony of her love for and trust in Christ alone for salvation during her membership interview. Therefore, the elders unanimously recommend her to you for a vote this Sunday. We continue to be thankful for the Lord's adding to our number. There are a few other people in the process that we look forward to presenting for membership in the next month or so.
Due to last week's cancellation, the adults will consider both chapters 6 and 7 tomorrow night of Crabtree's book. Though we don't do this often, there will be 25 minutes of one teacher for one of those chapters; and then––à la Mid–South Coliseum circa early 90s––that first teacher will tag someone else to cover the other chapter. We will not play "Also sprach Zarathustra" at any point. Wisdom Wednesdays and How to Eat Your Bible will both meet at 6:30. Chick–fil–A immediately precedes at 5:30.
The past few Sundays have made it clear that many of you are both eager to hear the word (in Romans and James) and to be with one another for the purposes of encouragement. So, in the spirit of 1 Thessalonians 4: Now as to the love of the brethren, you have no need for anyone to write to you, for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another; for indeed you do practice it toward all the brethren who are in all Macedonia. But we urge you, brethren, to excel still more (1 Thess. 4:9–10).
All of Christ's goodness to you today, as you look intently at the perfect law––the law of liberty––abide by it, and receive the blessing promised those that do.