As I mentioned Sunday at the close of the service, pastors are sheep before they are shepherds. And Chris's sermon deeply ministered to me personally. In the section on contentment, he aptly noted, "Wisdom is contenting ourselves with things we simply can't change. . . . We can't change the truth that we'll never get at life's whole picture––that belongs to God alone. . ." And then Chris reoriented us from the truth of Ecclesiastes 11:3, saying this, "Our Father, who made this world and who patiently bears all who live in it––He kindly gives life to the fool–made–friend and is at work to grant a heart of wisdom to see clear and walk best." Unsurprisingly, it's the same counsel the Preacher gave us back in chapter 7:13–14. In essence: know that God is sovereign and trust His wisdom over our own.
I hope that Sunday's sermon, and this series, have ministered to you as Chris's did to me. If you missed that particular message, you can watch or read it here: (Wise Footing Amid God’s Mysteries - Ecclesiastes 11:1–6) There are only two sermons left in Ecclesiastes, both of which seek to build after the long demolition process. This weekend we'll look at 11:7–12:8, including the instruction to Remember also your Creator (Eccl. 12:1). Then we'll spend a couple weeks considering the Incarnation. Then we'll begin the book of James after the first of the year. For a heads up as to where we're headed in 2023, the plan the elders discussed Sunday included preaching through James, then Jonah, and, Lord willing, beginning a study through the Christ–exalting book of Hebrews toward the latter half of 2023. As we're looking ahead, December is here, so make sure you have the Christmas Choral program down for December 18th, Caroling Christ at Saddle Creek on December 21st, and our annual Christmas Eve service on the 24th at 5 pm. More details on each of those dates to come. To continue looking ahead, this coming Sunday we'll present the planned 2023 budget for your consideration. I'm grateful for the decades of faithfulness from this body in this particular area. The Lord has been kind, and continues to be so. Speaking of His provision, I told you Sunday that David Johnson's house was supposed to go on the market this week but already has a contract on it. Again, I don't know how that works, but I'm thankful! We've been praying the Lord would continue to make the Johnsons move to Memphis seamless. Let's continue praying for them. The plan is for them to join us right after the first of the year. Tomorrow night: Chick–fil–a, The Bruised Reed, Wisdom Wednesdays, and This Changes Everything for the teenagers. I deeply love the privilege of serving this body. But as I'm a sheep first and foremost, I thank the Lord that I get to be part of a flock that prizes the Chief Shepherd.
P. S. I know some storms might be coming through later today. If any of you end up having needs the body can help with, please don't hesitate to send us a note. We're praying for much mercy.