Weekly Update 04/05/2022
What a crew! So many folks turned out on Saturday to work on the grounds and the building! We’re grateful for the participation, and as Matt mentioned Sunday, the joyful interaction as we worked side-by-side. I loved seeing so many smiling faces and busy hands at work. What an encouragement! Thank you for contributing in such a tangible way to help us have a lovely place for disciple making.
We’ve waited two years for this Sunday, April 10th. For two years, due to Covid restrictions and building topsy-turvy, we’ve waited to return to our regular Sunday morning 9:00 Bible Study Groups. Finally, the time is here! We have all new rooms, beautifully prepared to join together—young and old—in studying God’s Word! Make this Sunday’s Bible Study Groups a priority. Adults through teenagers will be picking back up in Romans with three weeks of review. This week you’ll be reviewing Romans 1–3. Take time this week to read through those chapters, pondering them and thinking of questions you might have on the passages. Pray for those who will be teaching. Pray as well for our children’s and preschool classes, as they participate in a range of biblically faithful material.
Thank you to all who are teaching and leading classes. We’re so grateful for your patience and preparation in serving the body!
We get started with Passion Week Services on Sunday, as I’ll be preaching from Matthew 21:1–11 on the question asked as Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday: Who is This? The following Friday—Good Friday—Pastor Matt will be preaching in the 6:30 Good Friday service. What a great opportunity to bring a friend to hear the good news proclaimed! Then on Easter Sunday, April 17th, join me as we consider John 20:19–23, Resurrection Gift. Three services during Passion Week give us an opportunity to bring along a friend to join us in worship.
Tomorrow night the discussion of chapters 5–7 and the conclusion of Taming the Tongue by Jeff Robinson continues with the ladies meeting at 6:30. The teenagers will be continuing their investigation of chapter 6 of Greg Gilbert’s Why Trust the Bible?
Thursday night at 6:30, the Ladies will join together at Betty Campbell’s home for a Missions Tea. Kristen Lowry in Kenya will be live chatting with those participating. She always has fascinating things to discuss about the work the Lord has given to her and Daniel in Kenya. This is a great opportunity to find out ways to encourage our missionaries!
I hope you’ve been helped by reflecting on Acts 20 as much as Matt and I have loved preparing (discussing it during coffee breaks) and preaching these rich texts from God’s Word. This Sunday was so helpful, as we saw how the Apostle Paul relied on the grace of God by the Spirit and the gospel to sustain and keep the church at Ephesus. That’s what we do too. Word and Spirit continue to sustain us as God’s people.
Phil N.
What a crew! So many folks turned out on Saturday to work on the grounds and the building! We’re grateful for the participation, and as Matt mentioned Sunday, the joyful interaction as we worked side-by-side. I loved seeing so many smiling faces and busy hands at work. What an encouragement! Thank you for contributing in such a tangible way to help us have a lovely place for disciple making.
We’ve waited two years for this Sunday, April 10th. For two years, due to Covid restrictions and building topsy-turvy, we’ve waited to return to our regular Sunday morning 9:00 Bible Study Groups. Finally, the time is here! We have all new rooms, beautifully prepared to join together—young and old—in studying God’s Word! Make this Sunday’s Bible Study Groups a priority. Adults through teenagers will be picking back up in Romans with three weeks of review. This week you’ll be reviewing Romans 1–3. Take time this week to read through those chapters, pondering them and thinking of questions you might have on the passages. Pray for those who will be teaching. Pray as well for our children’s and preschool classes, as they participate in a range of biblically faithful material.
Thank you to all who are teaching and leading classes. We’re so grateful for your patience and preparation in serving the body!
We get started with Passion Week Services on Sunday, as I’ll be preaching from Matthew 21:1–11 on the question asked as Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday: Who is This? The following Friday—Good Friday—Pastor Matt will be preaching in the 6:30 Good Friday service. What a great opportunity to bring a friend to hear the good news proclaimed! Then on Easter Sunday, April 17th, join me as we consider John 20:19–23, Resurrection Gift. Three services during Passion Week give us an opportunity to bring along a friend to join us in worship.
Tomorrow night the discussion of chapters 5–7 and the conclusion of Taming the Tongue by Jeff Robinson continues with the ladies meeting at 6:30. The teenagers will be continuing their investigation of chapter 6 of Greg Gilbert’s Why Trust the Bible?
Thursday night at 6:30, the Ladies will join together at Betty Campbell’s home for a Missions Tea. Kristen Lowry in Kenya will be live chatting with those participating. She always has fascinating things to discuss about the work the Lord has given to her and Daniel in Kenya. This is a great opportunity to find out ways to encourage our missionaries!
I hope you’ve been helped by reflecting on Acts 20 as much as Matt and I have loved preparing (discussing it during coffee breaks) and preaching these rich texts from God’s Word. This Sunday was so helpful, as we saw how the Apostle Paul relied on the grace of God by the Spirit and the gospel to sustain and keep the church at Ephesus. That’s what we do too. Word and Spirit continue to sustain us as God’s people.
Phil N.
Posted in Weekly Updates