Weekly Update 02/22/2022
I know that Sunday’s announcement (see below) about my resignation as pastor at South Woods to accept a new position as Director of Pastoral Mentoring and Care for the Pillar Network came as a surprise. It’s something that Karen and I have sought the Lord on for some time and know the peace of the Lord in this decision. While it’s difficult to step down from what I’ve loved doing for 44 years, we both sense the Lord has prepared me for this at-large ministry with pastors and churches across the U.S. and in other countries. Thank you for how well you received this announcement! You encouraged us so much on Sunday. We’re grateful! I’ll be filling you in on more details later so that you might pray for us.
As you read this note, I’m on my way to Kansas City, MO to speak on Wednesday for chapel at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Please pray for that time of ministering God’s Word.
We have the last meeting tomorrow night at 6:30 for the STINT class on missions, with the men up for this one. I love this book by Andy Johnson and think it is one of the most practical that we can read on this central subject for the church. Children will be engaging in Wisdom Wednesdays!
We’ll culminate this STINT series on March 2nd, with a South Woods-focused theme on missions. Joe Accardo will be presenting our new missions prayer book; Bill and Cindy Starr will be helping us to understand some of the unique challenges our missionaries face and how we might pray for and serve them; Chris Wilbanks will talk about a couple of domestic mission trips that we’re planning, and I’ll give a little perspective on our church’s engagement in missions. Please join the church body for this time! We’ll have childcare for birth through three-year-olds, just like on Sundays. We’ll ask the rest to join us for this special time that helps set the stage for how we do missions.
It’s no stretch to suggest that wild things are happening in Acts 19. From the dozen men receiving the Spirit, to the process that the church took in centering their lives on the gospel, to the mighty work of God to manifest His power and magnify Jesus, to the riot over a false god, we’re to see that the gospel keeps moving forward, even when obstacles get thrown in the way. You can check out Sunday’s sermon here. On Sunday, Pastor Matt will be helping us to sort through the riot in Ephesus and how the power of the gospel exposed the folly of idolatry.
Thanks for your prayers!
Pastor Phil
Here’s the note I read and talked through on Sunday:
February 20, 2022
To the South Woods Church Family:
Nine years ago, I began to discuss with our elders a process for me to finish my pastoral work at South Woods and the church to transition to a new pastor. We felt our way through the process with lots of research, discussion, and prayer. The culmination of this long process was presented to the church close to a year-and-a-half ago, with Matt being approved as co-pastor. Since then, Matt and I, along with Chris, have partnered in the pastoral responsibilities. You’ve been very affirming to us in this model for ministry, for which we’re thankful.
As Karen and I have thought and prayed about how and when to transition from the role I’ve been involved in for 44 years, with 35 at South Woods, in God’s providence, we sensed the Lord directing us to an at-large type of pastoral ministry. With that, the Pillar Network, a global association of 220-and-counting SBC and baptistic churches, has invited me to become their first Director of Pastoral Mentoring and Care. I’ve accepted this incredible full-time ministry opportunity which will involve mentoring pastors, leading pastoral workshops, counseling churches through the challenges of ministry, and encouraging congregations to be faithful to Christ and the gospel. Pillar wants me to continue researching, writing, and teaching seminary classes as part of my work. The elders have been incredibly affirming to us in this opportunity and will have more to say on that in the future.
Karen and I will continue living locally as members of South Woods. While we will be traveling with some of the responsibilities, we plan to continue serving at South Woods in whatever ways our schedule will permit, particularly mentoring our pastoral trainees, teaching, preaching, and helping Matt, Chris, and the elders as they capably lead in shepherding the flock. No one man can shepherd the flock. The Lord has kindly raised up seven other elders, with more in the wings I trust, who will teach, lead, and shepherd this body to magnify Jesus Christ in all things. I know you will support, pray for, and encourage them as you have me all these years.
I plan to continue with full-time pastoral responsibilities at South Woods until May 15th. As we’ve sent out many others, I’m asking you to send us out to serve Christ’s kingdom among the nations while living here. I lead my first Pillar Intensive in South Dakota the first week of June.
Karen and I covet your prayers as we begin this new chapter in serving Christ’s church globally. Without the faithful way the Lord has worked at South Woods over the years, this opportunity for expanding the ministry and reach of our church through my new work would not be possible.
Thank you is not sufficient to express to you the many joys that have come through your hunger for the Word, appreciation of gospel proclamation, engagement in serving one another, and supporting us as pastor and wife, along with our family, for 35 years. We will continue praying for you and look forward, Lord willing, to joining you in serving Christ in our community and beyond in the years ahead.
Much love,
Phil & Karen Newton
I know that Sunday’s announcement (see below) about my resignation as pastor at South Woods to accept a new position as Director of Pastoral Mentoring and Care for the Pillar Network came as a surprise. It’s something that Karen and I have sought the Lord on for some time and know the peace of the Lord in this decision. While it’s difficult to step down from what I’ve loved doing for 44 years, we both sense the Lord has prepared me for this at-large ministry with pastors and churches across the U.S. and in other countries. Thank you for how well you received this announcement! You encouraged us so much on Sunday. We’re grateful! I’ll be filling you in on more details later so that you might pray for us.
As you read this note, I’m on my way to Kansas City, MO to speak on Wednesday for chapel at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Please pray for that time of ministering God’s Word.
We have the last meeting tomorrow night at 6:30 for the STINT class on missions, with the men up for this one. I love this book by Andy Johnson and think it is one of the most practical that we can read on this central subject for the church. Children will be engaging in Wisdom Wednesdays!
We’ll culminate this STINT series on March 2nd, with a South Woods-focused theme on missions. Joe Accardo will be presenting our new missions prayer book; Bill and Cindy Starr will be helping us to understand some of the unique challenges our missionaries face and how we might pray for and serve them; Chris Wilbanks will talk about a couple of domestic mission trips that we’re planning, and I’ll give a little perspective on our church’s engagement in missions. Please join the church body for this time! We’ll have childcare for birth through three-year-olds, just like on Sundays. We’ll ask the rest to join us for this special time that helps set the stage for how we do missions.
It’s no stretch to suggest that wild things are happening in Acts 19. From the dozen men receiving the Spirit, to the process that the church took in centering their lives on the gospel, to the mighty work of God to manifest His power and magnify Jesus, to the riot over a false god, we’re to see that the gospel keeps moving forward, even when obstacles get thrown in the way. You can check out Sunday’s sermon here. On Sunday, Pastor Matt will be helping us to sort through the riot in Ephesus and how the power of the gospel exposed the folly of idolatry.
Thanks for your prayers!
Pastor Phil
Here’s the note I read and talked through on Sunday:
February 20, 2022
To the South Woods Church Family:
Nine years ago, I began to discuss with our elders a process for me to finish my pastoral work at South Woods and the church to transition to a new pastor. We felt our way through the process with lots of research, discussion, and prayer. The culmination of this long process was presented to the church close to a year-and-a-half ago, with Matt being approved as co-pastor. Since then, Matt and I, along with Chris, have partnered in the pastoral responsibilities. You’ve been very affirming to us in this model for ministry, for which we’re thankful.
As Karen and I have thought and prayed about how and when to transition from the role I’ve been involved in for 44 years, with 35 at South Woods, in God’s providence, we sensed the Lord directing us to an at-large type of pastoral ministry. With that, the Pillar Network, a global association of 220-and-counting SBC and baptistic churches, has invited me to become their first Director of Pastoral Mentoring and Care. I’ve accepted this incredible full-time ministry opportunity which will involve mentoring pastors, leading pastoral workshops, counseling churches through the challenges of ministry, and encouraging congregations to be faithful to Christ and the gospel. Pillar wants me to continue researching, writing, and teaching seminary classes as part of my work. The elders have been incredibly affirming to us in this opportunity and will have more to say on that in the future.
Karen and I will continue living locally as members of South Woods. While we will be traveling with some of the responsibilities, we plan to continue serving at South Woods in whatever ways our schedule will permit, particularly mentoring our pastoral trainees, teaching, preaching, and helping Matt, Chris, and the elders as they capably lead in shepherding the flock. No one man can shepherd the flock. The Lord has kindly raised up seven other elders, with more in the wings I trust, who will teach, lead, and shepherd this body to magnify Jesus Christ in all things. I know you will support, pray for, and encourage them as you have me all these years.
I plan to continue with full-time pastoral responsibilities at South Woods until May 15th. As we’ve sent out many others, I’m asking you to send us out to serve Christ’s kingdom among the nations while living here. I lead my first Pillar Intensive in South Dakota the first week of June.
Karen and I covet your prayers as we begin this new chapter in serving Christ’s church globally. Without the faithful way the Lord has worked at South Woods over the years, this opportunity for expanding the ministry and reach of our church through my new work would not be possible.
Thank you is not sufficient to express to you the many joys that have come through your hunger for the Word, appreciation of gospel proclamation, engagement in serving one another, and supporting us as pastor and wife, along with our family, for 35 years. We will continue praying for you and look forward, Lord willing, to joining you in serving Christ in our community and beyond in the years ahead.
Much love,
Phil & Karen Newton
Posted in Weekly Updates