Weekly Update 02/08/2022

Good afternoon,

In what has likely been an upside–down week for many of us, Sunday morning helped to reorient, turning things right side up. I appreciate Chris stepping in and ably leading us in both praying and singing. I sincerely hope the sermon from Acts 18 helped to stir a vision for how both being a disciple (being taught) and making disciples (teaching others) fits within God's aim for our life as a local church. I pray we'd be a community that graciously helps one another move from "accurately" to "more accurately," as Apollos did, for Christ's honor. If you missed Sunday's sermon, you can read/watch it here: (Acts 18:24–28)

As you noticed in the foyer, Sunday we began our annual Bottles for Life campaign. I appreciate Nancy Carnes, Renee Teate, and others organizing this. So, make sure to grab a bottle, fill it with change, and return it by February 27th to help support Life Choices.

Flooring is being put down on the south hallway this week. As you've noticed, the improvements going on in the hallways are slowly edging their way toward the foyer, where we anticipate some updates next week. Nearly every morning and/or afternoon, we're seeing good progress. Walker Construction and Crump Architects have both been incredibly attentive to the needs of the church, detail–oriented, and committed to finishing the task with excellence in as timely a manner as possible. We're grateful!

Do be praying for Pastor Phil as he finishes up his study of Acts 19 and preaches at South Woods this coming Sunday. We'll be thrilled to have him back teaching us! We'll observe the Lord's Supper on Sunday as well.

Last Sunday, I briefly talked about the little by little layering that parents and teachers do with children. Lord willing that will happen yet again tomorrow night with our Wisdom Wednesdays. I've seen it happen many times before. And likewise, we hope sharpening occurs with the men as they teach one another by discussing missions.

We'll look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow night at 6:30.

All of Christ's blessings today,

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