Weekly Update 12/14/2021
We had a beautiful day to worship on Sunday. Those attending got a look at the new carpet and new paint in our worship area. They’re still working on the trim but the bright look is certainly welcomed.
I love to help believers see how important their time in God’s Word is for the whole of their Christian lives. On Sunday, we spent time considering the example of the Bereans who welcomed the Word proclaimed to them, then followed up with examining the Scriptures to see if what Paul and Silas preached was true. There’s a fascinating “therefore” that follows, as their digging into the Word left them forever impacted by Christ. It’s such a lovely story but also one that has great insights for us. I took time to consider how to listen to the Word and a few thoughts about developing some patterns for studying it. I hope that you find this helpful. You can read/watch the sermon here: (Let's Be Bereans! Acts 17:10–15)
Speaking of Bereans, Sunday night Alex Cheng helped us to closely examine Paul's words to the Colossians about Christ's reconciling work. We're thankful for his faithful preparation and delivery of that text. Tomorrow night, we'll finish up the lovely little book by John Calvin on the Christian life, with the men meeting and the children doing their Wisdom Wednesdays. We get started at 6:30.
This coming Sunday evening (the 19th) we’ll be gathering to enjoy a musical Christmas service! It’s been a long time since we’ve had a choir singing! But we look forward to them leading us in Christ-centered worship. And while we love to see whole families in attendance each year, there will be a few childcare volunteers available for this time. Do plan to join us at 6:00.
We get started this Sunday morning with Matthew’s version of the Christmas story. Pastor Matt will preach this Sunday (Matthew 1:18–25), I’ll follow with the next text in Matthew for the Christmas Eve service (5:00 p.m.), and Pastor Chris will preach the following passage the Sunday after Christmas. Pray for us as we seek to lead the body to worship the Lord Jesus Christ.
Be sure to pick up your books from the book rack. Every family should receive 2 copies of Who is Jesus? and 1 copy of Taming the Tongue. We pray that you'll consider giving one of your Who is Jesus? copies to someone yet to believe. As Alex reminded us Sunday night, we are not only reconciled to God, He's also made us ministers of reconciliation. May the Lord be pleased to use South Woods to declare Christ's excellencies in this season.
Phil N.
We had a beautiful day to worship on Sunday. Those attending got a look at the new carpet and new paint in our worship area. They’re still working on the trim but the bright look is certainly welcomed.
I love to help believers see how important their time in God’s Word is for the whole of their Christian lives. On Sunday, we spent time considering the example of the Bereans who welcomed the Word proclaimed to them, then followed up with examining the Scriptures to see if what Paul and Silas preached was true. There’s a fascinating “therefore” that follows, as their digging into the Word left them forever impacted by Christ. It’s such a lovely story but also one that has great insights for us. I took time to consider how to listen to the Word and a few thoughts about developing some patterns for studying it. I hope that you find this helpful. You can read/watch the sermon here: (Let's Be Bereans! Acts 17:10–15)
Speaking of Bereans, Sunday night Alex Cheng helped us to closely examine Paul's words to the Colossians about Christ's reconciling work. We're thankful for his faithful preparation and delivery of that text. Tomorrow night, we'll finish up the lovely little book by John Calvin on the Christian life, with the men meeting and the children doing their Wisdom Wednesdays. We get started at 6:30.
This coming Sunday evening (the 19th) we’ll be gathering to enjoy a musical Christmas service! It’s been a long time since we’ve had a choir singing! But we look forward to them leading us in Christ-centered worship. And while we love to see whole families in attendance each year, there will be a few childcare volunteers available for this time. Do plan to join us at 6:00.
We get started this Sunday morning with Matthew’s version of the Christmas story. Pastor Matt will preach this Sunday (Matthew 1:18–25), I’ll follow with the next text in Matthew for the Christmas Eve service (5:00 p.m.), and Pastor Chris will preach the following passage the Sunday after Christmas. Pray for us as we seek to lead the body to worship the Lord Jesus Christ.
Be sure to pick up your books from the book rack. Every family should receive 2 copies of Who is Jesus? and 1 copy of Taming the Tongue. We pray that you'll consider giving one of your Who is Jesus? copies to someone yet to believe. As Alex reminded us Sunday night, we are not only reconciled to God, He's also made us ministers of reconciliation. May the Lord be pleased to use South Woods to declare Christ's excellencies in this season.
Phil N.
Posted in Weekly Updates