Weekly Update 11/16/2021
What a beautiful fall we’re having! It’s hard to remember a time when we’ve enjoyed such magnificent colors in the fall panorama. The seasons reflect the beauty and glory of God. They remind us of how things change until we reach the changeless glory of eternity. May we worship Him who gave us this beauty to enjoy and to remind us of His majesty in creation.
The ladies meet tomorrow night at 6:30 for our brief study on John Calvin’s Little Book on the Christian Life. Few through the centuries have had as much insight on the teaching of God’s Word regarding what it means to be Christians and how to walk with Christ, as has Calvin. I’m glad that we’re getting a chance to read and discuss this little work. Our teenagers will be meeting too, discussing this same book. Let’s pray that the teaching on the Christian life might impact us deeply.
While we’re having to hold off with all the construction going on with doing a Thanksgiving dinner as we’ve done in the past, may we be reminded in these days to live in gratitude to the Lord for His many mercies.
I hope that Sunday’s sermon on “The Spirit and Conversion” from Acts 16:6–15 continues to feed your soul. I’ve had soul-enriching meditation on that text, as I’ve thought of the great mercy of the Lord in opening our hearts to respond to the gospel. Where would we be without His regenerating work! You can listen to or read the sermon here.
Pastor Matt will be looking at the two other conversion stories of Acts 16 the next two weeks. Each of the three in Acts (including the conversion of Lydia and her household from this past week) give us shades of understanding of the power of the Lord God to save sinners. We need to be reminded daily of this power—both for humbly rejoicing in His saving grace personally and for praying for His saving grace to be extended to others. Let’s pray for saving mercy to be shown to unbelieving family members and friends, along with the Unreached People Groups that we identify each week in our worship gathering. We’ll look forward to having the Lord’s Supper this week too.
Phil N.
What a beautiful fall we’re having! It’s hard to remember a time when we’ve enjoyed such magnificent colors in the fall panorama. The seasons reflect the beauty and glory of God. They remind us of how things change until we reach the changeless glory of eternity. May we worship Him who gave us this beauty to enjoy and to remind us of His majesty in creation.
The ladies meet tomorrow night at 6:30 for our brief study on John Calvin’s Little Book on the Christian Life. Few through the centuries have had as much insight on the teaching of God’s Word regarding what it means to be Christians and how to walk with Christ, as has Calvin. I’m glad that we’re getting a chance to read and discuss this little work. Our teenagers will be meeting too, discussing this same book. Let’s pray that the teaching on the Christian life might impact us deeply.
While we’re having to hold off with all the construction going on with doing a Thanksgiving dinner as we’ve done in the past, may we be reminded in these days to live in gratitude to the Lord for His many mercies.
I hope that Sunday’s sermon on “The Spirit and Conversion” from Acts 16:6–15 continues to feed your soul. I’ve had soul-enriching meditation on that text, as I’ve thought of the great mercy of the Lord in opening our hearts to respond to the gospel. Where would we be without His regenerating work! You can listen to or read the sermon here.
Pastor Matt will be looking at the two other conversion stories of Acts 16 the next two weeks. Each of the three in Acts (including the conversion of Lydia and her household from this past week) give us shades of understanding of the power of the Lord God to save sinners. We need to be reminded daily of this power—both for humbly rejoicing in His saving grace personally and for praying for His saving grace to be extended to others. Let’s pray for saving mercy to be shown to unbelieving family members and friends, along with the Unreached People Groups that we identify each week in our worship gathering. We’ll look forward to having the Lord’s Supper this week too.
Phil N.
Posted in Weekly Updates