Weekly Update 11/02/2021
Good afternoon,
With about three weeks left in the Wednesday night schedule (for each gender), we set about looking for a short book that might be both applicable and concise. John Calvin's "A Little Book on the Christian Life" seems to have fit the bill. Without being wordy or verbose, Calvin clearly communicates the essence of what it means to follow Jesus, deny self, and look forward to our hope ahead. The ladies/teenagers will begin the study tomorrow night. Grab a copy from the book rack and join us at 6:30. The first chapter takes 5-7 minutes to read, if that.
Pastor Phil, Chris, and I joked (badly, of course) that we're in the "already, but not yet" of the renovation process. So, while we're grateful to be able to use the new side, and especially grateful for the hands that have made it possible the past couple weekends, we also know the rooms aren't yet what they will be. But, thankfully, the additional children's space is taking steps each day and demolition began on the old children's hallway just yesterday. I'm looking forward to the much bigger fellowship hall, youth space, and adult Sunday School classrooms on that side of the building the Lord's gifted us.
Over the past few weeks, I probably asked 10–15 pastor friends (and some overseas missionaries) their thoughts on Paul and Barnabas in Acts 15. I think I was the only person I knew that hadn't taught on that passage before. So many of my friends had thoughts, and/or settled conclusions, on the text because it's one of the passages that seems to be most applicable to our day, an era full of conflict and differences. So, I hope the study, and our time of worship Sunday, brought you much encouragement in the ever–the–same Lord, the One who accomplishes His purposes, often, in spite of our faults. You can watch or read that sermon here: (https://subspla.sh/rhyhxmd)
We'll look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow night at 6:30!
All of Christ's blessings,
With about three weeks left in the Wednesday night schedule (for each gender), we set about looking for a short book that might be both applicable and concise. John Calvin's "A Little Book on the Christian Life" seems to have fit the bill. Without being wordy or verbose, Calvin clearly communicates the essence of what it means to follow Jesus, deny self, and look forward to our hope ahead. The ladies/teenagers will begin the study tomorrow night. Grab a copy from the book rack and join us at 6:30. The first chapter takes 5-7 minutes to read, if that.
Pastor Phil, Chris, and I joked (badly, of course) that we're in the "already, but not yet" of the renovation process. So, while we're grateful to be able to use the new side, and especially grateful for the hands that have made it possible the past couple weekends, we also know the rooms aren't yet what they will be. But, thankfully, the additional children's space is taking steps each day and demolition began on the old children's hallway just yesterday. I'm looking forward to the much bigger fellowship hall, youth space, and adult Sunday School classrooms on that side of the building the Lord's gifted us.
Over the past few weeks, I probably asked 10–15 pastor friends (and some overseas missionaries) their thoughts on Paul and Barnabas in Acts 15. I think I was the only person I knew that hadn't taught on that passage before. So many of my friends had thoughts, and/or settled conclusions, on the text because it's one of the passages that seems to be most applicable to our day, an era full of conflict and differences. So, I hope the study, and our time of worship Sunday, brought you much encouragement in the ever–the–same Lord, the One who accomplishes His purposes, often, in spite of our faults. You can watch or read that sermon here: (https://subspla.sh/rhyhxmd)
We'll look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow night at 6:30!
All of Christ's blessings,
Posted in Weekly Updates