Weekly Update 09/21/2021

Good afternoon,

In mercy, the Lord set up church structures for the good of His disciples. One of those structures, or better, gifts, is what happens among us when we're strengthened by His Spirit at His Table. This past Sunday was no exception. If you missed the sermon on Acts 14:19–23, you can watch or read it here: (https://subspla.sh/hns528q)

In that sermon, I talked some about the commitment of the early church to not only get the gospel right, but to get the gospel out. Along those lines, as a means toward that end, I'm so grateful to hear of the love many of you showed Afghanis by filling a truck, in the rain, with your household goods on Saturday. Let's continue to pray that the Lord might give us an opportunity to tell some of these men and women why we would give in that way.

This morning Pastor Phil deeply encouraged me with a report about his time in Vermont with the Kimbrells. It's been thrilling to see the love we have for this family shared by a like–minded church in one of the least–churched parts of our country. Let's continue to pray for Mitch and Sara as Mitch transitions to that Senior Pastor role. And for them as they adjust to having that cute new baby in the picture above.

Speaking of reporting back, this coming Sunday Pastor Phil will pick up in our next text in Acts when Paul and Barnabas report back to the church in Antioch that sent them out in Acts 13. A lot has happened since then! And I can't wait to be reminded of how God's Spirit moved in power even in the midst of great difficulty.

Tomorrow night our ladies and teenagers will gather in their classes to think together on corporate worship. This study has been so timely. We look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow night at 6:30!
