Weekly Update 08/10/2021
Maybe I should write, overly warm greetings! Temps are piping right now. Summer continues but fall is drawing near. That’s especially noted with kids starting back to school. We hope that the year ahead will be filled with the wonder of learning as a gracious gift from the Lord for our kids. And to the college students (a couple of new ones from South Woods, too), we pray that you will find the year challenging, in good ways, and useful to spur you toward making the most of your time and the opportunities the Lord has given you. We’re praying for all these students!
We’ve waited a long time to get back out to Shelby Farms to do some evangelism. But the time has come. Pastor Chris has set aside Sunday afternoon, 4:00–6:00, August 29th, for our renewal of this opportunity to pass out gospel tracts, maybe a few Scripture portions, and try to have some gospel conversations. As you know, Shelby Farms attracts a lot of people new to Memphis via international origins. It’s a chance for us to do mission work without going through the TSA booth at the Memphis International Airport. So, plan on that opportunity. We pray for it weekly in our little prayer guide. Now, by God’s grace, let’s ask Him for gospel fruit in the opportunity ahead.
There’s also a chance for our ladies to help out at World Relief headquarters on the campus of Redeemer Baptist Church on Quince Road, August 28th, 9:45 a.m. to Noon. Here’s where there’s a wonderful opportunity to meet internationals and do a little sewing for a couple of hours. Check with Pastor Chris if you have questions about whether this might be something you can do.
On Sunday after the morning worship, our choir will be meeting for lunch and a rehearsal. If you’re interested in checking out choir practice at South Woods, let Jim Carnes know. He’s already spoken with many of you, but maybe there are a few who’ve not yet been part of the choir (which has not been able to meet since early 2020) and would like to. Now’s a good time to get started!
Maybe I should write, overly warm greetings! Temps are piping right now. Summer continues but fall is drawing near. That’s especially noted with kids starting back to school. We hope that the year ahead will be filled with the wonder of learning as a gracious gift from the Lord for our kids. And to the college students (a couple of new ones from South Woods, too), we pray that you will find the year challenging, in good ways, and useful to spur you toward making the most of your time and the opportunities the Lord has given you. We’re praying for all these students!
We’ve waited a long time to get back out to Shelby Farms to do some evangelism. But the time has come. Pastor Chris has set aside Sunday afternoon, 4:00–6:00, August 29th, for our renewal of this opportunity to pass out gospel tracts, maybe a few Scripture portions, and try to have some gospel conversations. As you know, Shelby Farms attracts a lot of people new to Memphis via international origins. It’s a chance for us to do mission work without going through the TSA booth at the Memphis International Airport. So, plan on that opportunity. We pray for it weekly in our little prayer guide. Now, by God’s grace, let’s ask Him for gospel fruit in the opportunity ahead.
There’s also a chance for our ladies to help out at World Relief headquarters on the campus of Redeemer Baptist Church on Quince Road, August 28th, 9:45 a.m. to Noon. Here’s where there’s a wonderful opportunity to meet internationals and do a little sewing for a couple of hours. Check with Pastor Chris if you have questions about whether this might be something you can do.
On Sunday after the morning worship, our choir will be meeting for lunch and a rehearsal. If you’re interested in checking out choir practice at South Woods, let Jim Carnes know. He’s already spoken with many of you, but maybe there are a few who’ve not yet been part of the choir (which has not been able to meet since early 2020) and would like to. Now’s a good time to get started!
We’re excited that some of our pastors and pastoral trainees will be preaching on Sunday nights starting in September, as we resume the monthly 6:00 evening service. This time the guys will be working through Colossians, one of the most jam-packed, enriching, sanctification-aimed, gospel-saturated of Paul’s letters. Okay, enough superlatives. Please pray for these men as they prepare and join the body for these times of worship. The first is scheduled for September 19th.
Lots of progress is happening with the building project! Our own Andy Fortner and Josh Mathes have been doing some major demo work on removing old brick to make way for starting the new addition to the children/preschool area. Ceiling grids are in. Sheetrock is hung and mudded. Plumbing and electrical work gets wrapped up. Before you know it, this end of the building will be usable once again!
I imagine that you’ve seen, as has Matt, Chris, and I have, over the past few weeks, just how clearly theological and pointedly applicable this section of the book of Acts is to our lives. It’s as though it was written just for us. And it was, although not just for us, but for the church through the centuries so that we might learn to live as followers of Jesus, living under His Kingship, members of His Kingdom, and both showing and telling forth the gospel of the kingdom. Acts helps us to do just that while not becoming bogged down by the world’s distortions and opposition to the gospel and Christ’s church. You can check out this past Sunday’s message, “God Doesn’t Share Glory,” Acts 12:19–25, here.
Pray for Pastor Matt as he begins to unpack for us on Sunday the pivotal shift in Acts 13, as the church in Antioch sends out their very best to serve the nations. We’re glad to have him back after the sabbatical this summer!
Tomorrow night the ladies will be working through chapter 2 in Matt Merker’s book Corporate Worship. The students will be getting started with chapter 1 in the same book. I loved the discussion in chapter 1 last week!
See you Sunday, Lord willing, as we worship together.
Pastor Phil
Posted in Weekly Updates