Weekly Update 04/27/2021
It has been wonderful to see more and more of our congregation together in the two services! I love the lingering outside between services as you fellowship with one another and catch up with brothers and sisters you’ve maybe missed the past year. We hope that the time will come soon where we regather in one worship service. That will be sweet!
We’re really happy to be doing the month of May’s 2Per mission giving to help with Daniel and Kristen Lowry and their work in Kenya. I got the good news last week that they plan to come back to the U.S. for June and July. Kristen is scheduled to speak at an important IMB event in June. We told her that South Woods would gladly cover the flights for Daniel and the two older kids. Let’s pray for them and get ready to invest in encouraging them during their time back home before returning to Kenya. One need that I want to put before you might be a huge help to them. They will need a car for the two months they’re stateside. Do any of you have an extra vehicle that would work for two adults and 3 children that you’d be willing to make available for them? Please let Matt, Chris, or me know.
I was really encouraged by Steven Hockman’s sermon from Habakkuk 3 on Sunday night. He opened the text with clarity and made helpful Christ-centered applications for us. His review of the book of Habakkuk was super clear and helpful. I’m grateful for our guys leading these monthly services. The next one is scheduled for May 23rd to end the study in Habakkuk.
Pastor Matt ministered to us on Sunday as he opened Acts 8, with the pivotal transition in this magisterial book, to show the compatibility of persecution and proclamation. The early church’s understanding of God’s sovereign work in their lives helped them to walk through even those hard times of persecution with faithfulness to gospel work. Matt helped us to see that so beautifully. You can listen to this sermon here.
This coming Sunday we’ll be looking at how the gospel came to the Samaritan people, and how even in the midst of this spiritual awakening, the adversary sought to divide them. Matt and I just had an edifying conversation about his study thus far on the text, as we enjoyed an afternoon coffee and gospel fellowship. I’m so encouraged by the insights the Lord has been pleased to give him on this text! Pray for him as he prepares. I know we ask you to do that often. We’re not doing so for show. We mean it. The need for prayer from the congregation is paramount for your pastors as we prepare to feed the flock on the Word. So, pray and sign up for one of the services on Sunday here.
The guys will be up for this Wednesday night STINT study in Devoted to God. Also, the children will be having Wisdom Wednesdays at 6:30 too. Come, learn, fellowship, and be shaped by the teaching of God’s Word.
Look forward to worshiping with you this week!
Pastor Phil
It has been wonderful to see more and more of our congregation together in the two services! I love the lingering outside between services as you fellowship with one another and catch up with brothers and sisters you’ve maybe missed the past year. We hope that the time will come soon where we regather in one worship service. That will be sweet!
We’re really happy to be doing the month of May’s 2Per mission giving to help with Daniel and Kristen Lowry and their work in Kenya. I got the good news last week that they plan to come back to the U.S. for June and July. Kristen is scheduled to speak at an important IMB event in June. We told her that South Woods would gladly cover the flights for Daniel and the two older kids. Let’s pray for them and get ready to invest in encouraging them during their time back home before returning to Kenya. One need that I want to put before you might be a huge help to them. They will need a car for the two months they’re stateside. Do any of you have an extra vehicle that would work for two adults and 3 children that you’d be willing to make available for them? Please let Matt, Chris, or me know.
I was really encouraged by Steven Hockman’s sermon from Habakkuk 3 on Sunday night. He opened the text with clarity and made helpful Christ-centered applications for us. His review of the book of Habakkuk was super clear and helpful. I’m grateful for our guys leading these monthly services. The next one is scheduled for May 23rd to end the study in Habakkuk.
Pastor Matt ministered to us on Sunday as he opened Acts 8, with the pivotal transition in this magisterial book, to show the compatibility of persecution and proclamation. The early church’s understanding of God’s sovereign work in their lives helped them to walk through even those hard times of persecution with faithfulness to gospel work. Matt helped us to see that so beautifully. You can listen to this sermon here.
This coming Sunday we’ll be looking at how the gospel came to the Samaritan people, and how even in the midst of this spiritual awakening, the adversary sought to divide them. Matt and I just had an edifying conversation about his study thus far on the text, as we enjoyed an afternoon coffee and gospel fellowship. I’m so encouraged by the insights the Lord has been pleased to give him on this text! Pray for him as he prepares. I know we ask you to do that often. We’re not doing so for show. We mean it. The need for prayer from the congregation is paramount for your pastors as we prepare to feed the flock on the Word. So, pray and sign up for one of the services on Sunday here.
The guys will be up for this Wednesday night STINT study in Devoted to God. Also, the children will be having Wisdom Wednesdays at 6:30 too. Come, learn, fellowship, and be shaped by the teaching of God’s Word.
Look forward to worshiping with you this week!
Pastor Phil
Posted in Weekly Updates