Weekly Update 02/16/2021
I’m looking out my 2nd floor study at my house and see a roof covered with snow. That’s not normal Memphis! This morning as I glanced at the weather, I read the temperature: 1 degree. That’s more like Minneapolis! The snow that began to fall on Sunday morning remains on the ground. It put a dent in being able to have our 3rd service on Sunday at 11:00 but otherwise, we are able to continue as normal over the weekend.
I’m looking out my 2nd floor study at my house and see a roof covered with snow. That’s not normal Memphis! This morning as I glanced at the weather, I read the temperature: 1 degree. That’s more like Minneapolis! The snow that began to fall on Sunday morning remains on the ground. It put a dent in being able to have our 3rd service on Sunday at 11:00 but otherwise, we are able to continue as normal over the weekend.
It’s safe to assume that we’ll not be having our Wednesday night study this week on Gentle & Lowly. Not unless a heat wave suddenly melts everything on the roads and parking lot! With more snow forecasted for tomorrow, we’ll have to pass up this study for the men and teenagers this week.
All of our members should have gotten a letter updating the proposed building project that we hope to get started on soon. We’re working on ironing out a few details on the project and financing at present. We’ll keep you updated on when things start to move ahead.
We look forward to sharing at the Lord’s Table this weekend. Let me encourage you to prepare for the Lord’s Supper by thoughtful reflection on the death of Christ, confession of sins, meditations on what it means to be united to Christ, and pondering the manifestation of the corporate body found in the Supper. These focal points will help us as we worship together.
Pastor Matt and I will be preaching on Acts 6:1–7 over the next couple of weekends (Lord willing). This is one of the pivotal passages in the New Testament to help us understand life in the church, church offices, and the priority of the ministry of the Word. We’re going to walk through it slowly so that we might savor this text and apply it to our local church. Do pray for us. Matt will help us to see the unfolding ministry of deacons in the opening sermon and I will follow with consideration of pastoral ministry the next week.
A couple of our members wrote me after the sermon this past weekend concerning Gospel Courage, reinforcing the need for courageous Christianity in our day. I think they’re right. I hope that our investigation into Acts 5 will spur us to live courageously as followers of Jesus. You can link to the sermon here.
Phil N.
Posted in Weekly Updates