Weekly Update 01/26/2021
January is almost behind us as we plow into 2021, with all the challenges and opportunities ahead. I’m thankful that we do so with the certainty of God’s grace at work with His people.
This Sunday night, January 31st at 6:00, Joe Accardo will be preaching the 2nd message in a series of six sermons on Habakkuk, in our monthly Sunday night service led by our pastoral mentees. Jim Carnes provided a wonderfully helpful overview of this fascinating prophetic book written in the midst of crisis with the people of Judah. It’s timely! Pray for Joe as he prepares and the rest of the brothers that will be leading the service.
This weekend Pastor Chris will be preaching on the startling story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5. With all of the momentum in the early church after Pentecost, suddenly there’s inward trouble with the church. Pray for Chris as he prepares to expound this passage and apply it to us by the Spirit’s help. You can sign up for one of our three weekend services here. Thank you for continuing to practice the protocols that we’ve put in place in dealing with containing the virus' spread. These are annoying at times but a small thing we can do to help one another. You’ve done so with a glad spirit, for which I’m so thankful!
We continue the Gentle & Lowly study tomorrow night at 6:30 with the ladies, followed next week with the men and teenagers. We’ll be in chapters 18 & 19, so join us. I look forward to leading the class tomorrow night.
I hope you worshipped with great joy, as I did this weekend, as we read the Word, prayed, sang, and listened to a super exposition of Acts 4:32–37 on the unity of the church. Pastor Matt helped us so much to see the way that the outworking of the gospel leads to unity in the church, and that anything we attempt to substitute for unity just will not last. I was encouraged by the pointed applications that help to keep us focused on living life together in Christ. The book of Acts is great about helping us to see that!
I mentioned last week that the book I wrote during my chemo isolation in 2019 (most of it was written then) was coming out. Today is launch day. I will appreciate your prayers that the Lord might be pleased to use this book, 40 Questions About Pastoral Ministry, to give direction to some pastor brothers who are struggling, train some who are getting started, refresh some who are tired in the work, and bring joy to some who will resonate with the words as though they wrote them. You prayed for me while I studied and wrote. Now join with me in asking the Lord to work through this pastoral tool. We have copies on the book rack at a very discounted price for any that might have an interest in reading it or passing it along to a friend in ministry.
I look forward to gathering with you this weekend!
Pastor Phil
January is almost behind us as we plow into 2021, with all the challenges and opportunities ahead. I’m thankful that we do so with the certainty of God’s grace at work with His people.
This Sunday night, January 31st at 6:00, Joe Accardo will be preaching the 2nd message in a series of six sermons on Habakkuk, in our monthly Sunday night service led by our pastoral mentees. Jim Carnes provided a wonderfully helpful overview of this fascinating prophetic book written in the midst of crisis with the people of Judah. It’s timely! Pray for Joe as he prepares and the rest of the brothers that will be leading the service.
This weekend Pastor Chris will be preaching on the startling story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5. With all of the momentum in the early church after Pentecost, suddenly there’s inward trouble with the church. Pray for Chris as he prepares to expound this passage and apply it to us by the Spirit’s help. You can sign up for one of our three weekend services here. Thank you for continuing to practice the protocols that we’ve put in place in dealing with containing the virus' spread. These are annoying at times but a small thing we can do to help one another. You’ve done so with a glad spirit, for which I’m so thankful!
We continue the Gentle & Lowly study tomorrow night at 6:30 with the ladies, followed next week with the men and teenagers. We’ll be in chapters 18 & 19, so join us. I look forward to leading the class tomorrow night.
I hope you worshipped with great joy, as I did this weekend, as we read the Word, prayed, sang, and listened to a super exposition of Acts 4:32–37 on the unity of the church. Pastor Matt helped us so much to see the way that the outworking of the gospel leads to unity in the church, and that anything we attempt to substitute for unity just will not last. I was encouraged by the pointed applications that help to keep us focused on living life together in Christ. The book of Acts is great about helping us to see that!
I mentioned last week that the book I wrote during my chemo isolation in 2019 (most of it was written then) was coming out. Today is launch day. I will appreciate your prayers that the Lord might be pleased to use this book, 40 Questions About Pastoral Ministry, to give direction to some pastor brothers who are struggling, train some who are getting started, refresh some who are tired in the work, and bring joy to some who will resonate with the words as though they wrote them. You prayed for me while I studied and wrote. Now join with me in asking the Lord to work through this pastoral tool. We have copies on the book rack at a very discounted price for any that might have an interest in reading it or passing it along to a friend in ministry.
I look forward to gathering with you this weekend!
Pastor Phil
Posted in Weekly Updates